Sunday, February 22, 2015

10 life lessons I've learnt

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Some life lessons I've learnt in this lifetime, and I'd like to think it helps me in this quest for positive thinking. =)

1. Do things that make you happy. Listening to classical music, doodling, Google searching for beautiful things, read etc. I recently discovered Spotify and I love the function that allows you to listen to music according to your mood.

2. Those who mind don't matter. You can't please everyone, and you can't make everyone like you. People who criticize the things you love doing, use you for their own benefit and puts you down are not worth it.

3. Just a few good friends will do. These are the people who enjoy your company, who you can rely on on a bad day and texting each other random things is perfectly fine. 

4. You're your own biggest rival. Everyone has different abilities. Some are slow, some are quick in getting work done. The only thing that should matter is how much you've improved yourself. So stop comparing yourself to others.

5. Mistakes are inevitable. We are not perfect. Mistakes actually make you a better person. You learn from it and it serves as a reminder to not do the same blunder again in the future. Sometimes I even thank myself for doing a mistake.

6. Compliment people. A simple kind word can make someone's day. It can help to boost someone's confidence too. At the same time, you'll also feel you've actually made the world a better place, even just for a while.

7. Challenge yourself. Do something extraordinary. Do the usual things in a different way. You'll never know what you're capable of until you've done it. Life is shorter than you think, so go all out and not regret the things you should've done in the first place.

8. Be confident. Fake it if you must. It will give people the impression that you're in total control of yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, who else will?

9. Treat people they way you want to be treated. Put yourself in someone's shoe. If you don't like the way you're being treated, what more about that person?

10. It's okay to feel down. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes you can't handle it. So it's okay to feel sad and bad, just let it out. Crying is not a sign of weakness, it's a way of letting things out so you can move on. It always feels better after crying, no?

And once you've given yourself a chance to change yourself for the better, you'll start appreciating yourself and your life more.