Saturday, June 25, 2016

Half yearly update

Apologies again for leaving you for half a year.

It has been a whirlwind past 6 months and I will try to finish all of the posts I have been meaning to publish but didn't have sufficient time.

In regards to personal life, I got hitched on June 18, 2016. A year's worth of planning for a 5 hour event is mind boggling but we thoroughly enjoyed the process. Will definitely do a post for this.

As for work, it didn't go as well as I wanted it to so that was a pretty bummer week. But we have to pick ourselves up because the only way we can go is forward, unless there's a time machine I can borrow to go back in time.

I also managed to snag an interview for a position in the department I have always wanted to go to but didn't get the job. :/

This weekend will be busy with a wedding today, meeting my folks and paying our respects to my bridesmaid's late father tomorrow.

But with our wedding done and over with, I am hoping to continue and perfecting the things I enjoy doing and learning a thing or two.