Friday, November 28, 2008

I stalk

Some cat I saw during internship

TBR's Garfield

I don't recall which cat is this, but I reckon it's the Tom Yam kitty

A kitty at my dorm. Then the hostel boss saw and demanded the guard to get it off the hostel premises. &$%@#&

Waiting for makan

Row of cats at TBR

Saw this kitty snoozing at went snap

I walked past a pet store after the Cameron trip and went in to see if I could stalk some bunnies

Whenever I mentioned I want one, my Mom automatically goes "your Bruno will makan it".
Omg comel giler I want! You see that guy behind there? His paw so darn cute wei

Not to mention I did some stalking in Cameron itself

A white kitty who goes meow during dinner time. Lives behind my place

Went to Penang to visit my roomie last sem and did some bunny stalking

At least it's way better than stalking guys during high school. And I do stalk some show houses occasionally. Another career prospect for me.

3 Note(s):

Anonymous said...

do you have like, anything else to do?

Bea said...

i had a bunny...that died...i cried..and we buried it...under the mango the old house...

Lace said...

jen - not stalking is like not lepaking for you wei =P

bea - sorry abt that. i didn't notice you had one, i remember you got a dog(s)?