Friday, November 7, 2008

Yada yada

I got my hand on the Sims complete collection yesterday after getting back my PC. But it's inappropriate lah cuz it's not exactly "complete" but I don't care lah just grab it. Deep down I knew it was gonna take weeks until I can finally play cuz I tak berapa pandai in installing games.

Ya, you say easy lah, juz tekan and follow what they say. In the end


*scratch head*. But that's the ONLY CD I got wei. Mana kena cari lagi liao? Semalam 6 jam saya garu kepala, trying to figure out what's there left to do. Don't care, today wanna cari the store and hentam habis habis. I'll drag him to the hostel to install for me if I have to :P

Or maybe it's just my stupidity?? Hmm ...

Tomorrow parents wanna drag me to Tanah Tinggi Cameron. Not excited cuz I have this rare disease of throwing my guts up whenever I'm there. It happened twice the last time. I blame it on the very winding road. If Genting was any nearer I'd ask them to drop me there and go lepak alone :)

Pasal thesis pulak ... eh, still ok lah. Got minor glitch here and there but still in the race lah. Which reminds me of Amazing Race Asia 3. My fav team is still alive!! I thought about doing a race report hehehe

Some of you who actually reads this thing may caught a sight of my Twitter post (under "What I'm Doing") about Barack Obama. Not that I know anything about politics but just to tell people I actually keep up with world events lah. I did watch CNN now and then but eh .. politics memang not my type.

The other thing I know is that Sarah Palin (McCain's running mate) is a popular figure in the porno industry. I read somewhere they're making a movie about her.

Giler ...

3 Note(s):

Anonymous said... show people you keep up with world happenings or to show you're the 'don't mess with me, i watch politics' chick?

Bea said...

lol...check with the guy if there's supposed to be 1 or 2 cds....or check if u need to crack it first before installing...

Lace said...

kelly - ha ha both lah :)

bea - yea i got it working already. apparently they have a diff way of cracking =.=