Sunday, June 26, 2011

I should stop being nice to people

Reason #1-Most people won't feel grateful, they're just happy this sucka gave into their needs.
Reason #2-Doing good stuff doesn't mean you get good karma in return. More like bad karma.
Reason #3-Most people won't even remember you did something for them. In fact they'll come back to you asking for more because this sucka is just too nice and polite to yell back and say no.

Btw, this sucka refers to me.

Seriously, I've just about had it with this neighborhood. I moved into this new place in April, where I finally got my own bathroom and a parking space I *thought* was mine. Heck, I moved in first! Umm, no. Landlord says first come, first serve. Okayyy.

Prob #1-Kancil decides he gets to park inside. So fine. I'll park outside. I work in shifts anyway so if I have to leave for work at 6am I won't be worried his car is obstructing mine and vice versa.
Prob #2-MyVi and Viva were the last to move in, and they get to park inside. So now I'll have to fight for a parking spot outside under the tree with Kancil. Bloody hell, outside also need to fight >.<

Which brought 3 more consequences to my poor lil car. First, the wheels get peed on every now and then by a neighbor dog who thinks he's so close to me. Then one of my tyre's air pressure cap (what is the correct term for that? I don't have time to check now) gets stolen. And just last month there were 2 scratches on my car! Bloody hell what have I done to deserve all this poop?

But thank God the landlord decided to cement up the lawn so an additional car can be parked inside. So far so good. My car's getting some shade. Finally. Until this morning.

Prob #3-Honda bike has his friends over occasionally, and they picked this morning to park their Wira right in front of the gate so I can't park inside. So fine, I'll park outside.
Prob #4-As I was inching into my usual spot under the tree, this black Viva belonging to the auntie next door comes running to me saying I'm parking in her spot. Bloody hell it's still within my house's territory how the hell it became your spot?

Unfortunately I could still find the politeness in me amidst of all the poop that was going on so I parked somewhere else and had to resist the temptation of waking up the Wira guys who were sound asleep in the living room. And I actually apologized to the auntie. Who on this planet would actually apologize when they're not at fault? If I had a gun with me I'd already blew my brains out for being the most pathetic sucka on Earth. And, oh the guys didn't even bother to apologize as I was leaving for work this evening. Bloody, bloody humans.

And bloody, bloody me who can't find a way to lash out at people.

Seriously, one more poop happens I swear I'll burn down this entire neighborhood.

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