Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hello February!

Time to shift the bed to the window, and get a windowsill.

January is over, and I'm ecstatically delighted seeing I have maintained my New Year's resolutions. I don't usually make resolutions, because, one, I'll only do something when given the right mood. Two, when I really push myself to the max. Three, when there's no choices left.

Resolution #1 - Grow up.
As much as I hate to admit, I'm an adult. I'll have to act, think and live as an adult. You'll be surprised to see how much immaturity we all have in us - arguing over nonsensical things, breaking off a friendships over dumb issues, giving a silent treatment to a loved one because you want to get back at them etc.

Over the years, I have learned to put myself in others' shoes and try to feel the hurt when I'm treated in that very way. I have done a fair share of those things to people, and yes, I'm trying to stop. Hey, I'm not perfect. Nobody is.

So, less yelling and more compromising. Result: Happy me!

Resolution #2 - Forgive and forget.
Bugger, it has been 2 years and I'm still not over it. When I first began training for this current job, I was questioned and yelled at by 2 seniors. The first one wasn't my fault, it was simply a lapse of judgment by the senior but oh well, fine, you're the senior and I'm the newbie. I have tried to forgive and forget about that, and I have. So, that's a done deal. Although I admit the scene comes back to me whenever I see him.

Second scenario was a misunderstanding (the only nice way to put it), I'm guessing he misheard me and it turned out to be quite a situation. At least for the both of us, but peeps have told me time and time about his problems and behavior, so I'm not the only one who has issues with him.
Result: Relief!

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