Saturday, December 20, 2008

Boom de ya dahh!

Heh, I'm back sooner than I expected. Yes, yes, I've submitted Chaps 1-3 today. I'm hoping I've shed a few pounds today after all the walking and running under the heat. I left the LJMU application form in the room and had to run back to get it. Next I power walked to TBR to print the three chapters out and met an old buddy which I can never remember his name! Some friend I am ..

Not to mention I almost missed my 3.50pm bus. I stepped on a lil girl on the way but she didn't seem to realize it. Heh. And there were lots of people blocking my way, because, apparently this happens everytime I'm late for something. And someone had to sit in my seat. Are you people blind or simply ignorant? Your seat no is printed on the ticket in case you didn't notice.

I really sangat suka this song lah. Now that AXN stinks without all 3 CSIs, TAR and House, I pig on Discovery, NGC and History Channel. Unfortunately the general knowledge I obtain is not helping me very much in school.

1 Note(s):

Anonymous said...

I saw it 3 times today on TV but I don't remember seeing the monks ;)