Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Something old

Yay, I can finally move out from this place and I'm certain of it this time. After 2 years of living with strangers, thank God, I'm moving in with family!

To do list for the next month:
1. Get a refrigerator to store healthy food (e.g.: yogurt and fruits) Done
2. Get a washing machine Wash using own hands lah
3. Re-paint the place Place still looks new, so I can cross this off
4. Get a water heater (friend's uncle can do it cheaper) Will wait until we can't stand boiling the water every morning anymore
5. Fix the kitchen tap (owner's coming to repair it) Done
6. Call the movers to shift closet and desk from my current place Done
7. Get some decorations perhaps? Going crazy with pinning DIYs on Pinterest!
8. Go to Ikea and see what else I need (not necessary though =)
9. Random need - water filter
10. Air cond! Do you have any idea how sickening the weather is these days? Done

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